Agreements and Fees
There are two tracks participants can choose from:
DBT skills class only track agreements:
1) In this case the agreement is to be in at least twice monthly therapy sessions, while you can choose your own provider. The best match for getting the most out of DBT is someone trained at least in the skills portion of DBT therapy so that they can support and help you integrate the learning into your life.
2) You must be able to commit to regular attendance and to attend for the whole curriculum. The curriculum takes 25 weeks to complete. Please build in some flexibility in case there is a holiday in there somewhere which would extend the curriculum.
3) Not to miss 4 in a row of group, this constitutes dropping out. Your payments in this case, are not refundable.
Full DBT Track includes both Group and Individual DBT therapy with a DBT trained clinician:
1) The agreement is to weekly individual DBT therapy and weekly Skills Group. This is a total of 3 hours per week of therapy.
2) The agreement is to complete at least one round of the DBT skills curriculum which as above takes 25 weeks, but you should plan some buffer for holidays etc.
3) Not to miss 4 in a row of either skills group or individual therapy as that would constitute dropping out. As above, payments for the skills group module are not refundable once the module has started.
Screening apt: This appointment is a full hour, and the fee is $200.00. If you are not entering the practice of one of our providers, you will need to have a prior diagnosis to submit for reimbursement from your insurance company as this is not a diagnostic assessment.
Every potential student has a one-hour screening appointment to make sure that this is in fact the right treatment for you.
This class is a big commitment, and it is important that you have all the information before you commit to joining the class.
It is also possible that a different treatment would meet your needs better and if that is the case, we want to make sure you get the right treatment.
Saving a spot on the waitlist: Fee $ 200.00
This fee will go toward your first module.
It is not refundable if you choose not to take the class.
The class is paid for prior to the beginning of each module. You can pay the flat fee through Zelle at [email protected].
If you choose to pay by credit card there is a 3% fee on top of the base charge. (This fee can change over time so please check).
Each student is required to commit to taking all modules 2x with rare exceptions, 1x is acceptable.
Students in Full DBT will most likely be expected by their therapists to complete all modules 2x for maximum benefit.
In summary the cost of treatment at this time includes:
The full cost for the year of treatment will include
1) the cost of 1x per week individual therapy, this will depend on your therapist's rate. For example, if you therapist charges 200.00 per hour the fees for the year would be 200 x 52 session or 10,400.00 not including reimbursements from insurance companies.
2) The cost of skills group for one year would be approximately 100.00 x 52 sessions or 5,200 per year.
3) The cost of the initial orientation session for skills group is 200.00
The total cost of one full year of DBT therapy is estimated to be 15,600.00 as of 2022. This may be slightly less or slightly more depending on the client's vacation time, the therapist's vacation time etc or requests for more frequent sessions.
Costs specifically per module for the Group Skills Training 1x per week break down as follows. You will be asked to pay for each module prior to the start of the module or work out a payment plan ahead of time.
$200.00 for Screening/and Orientation
$900.00 for Emotion Regulation Module + Mindfulness
$800.00 for Interpersonal Skills Module + Mindfulness
$800.00 for Distress Tolerance Module + Mindfulness
Remember that each of these modules is repeated during the full year of skills training.
2,700.00 per six months inclusive of the one time screening fee. This fee does not include your individual DBT sessions with your therapist. That rate depends on your provider and any arrangements you make with them.
If you choose to withdraw from the class, you can do so up to 7 days prior to the start of class, the cost of the first module with the exception of the 200.00 non-refundable retainer will be refunded.
Once class starts the fees are not refundable.
This is because new students cannot join the class until the module ends and a new one begins.
You have chosen to reserve a spot and are responsible for it until the next module begins.
Of course, we hope that you will keep your commitment to complete all of the modules and get the greatest benefit.
We take your decision to start this journey very seriously and hope you will too!
Columbia City Mindfulness and DBT