Columbia City DBT Offerings: Full DBT Program: Participants commit to at least six months of weekly individual and group sessionsoffered by a trained DBT therapist. One year may be recommended and best for your needs. This can be assessed as therapy proceeds. Therapists participate in regular consultation team to support adherence to the model. Entering DBT means you have a team of therapists working to support your goals.
DBT informed therapy and Skills Group Only Options: You may not need full DBT. It is an option to work with one of our therapists to receive individual therapy informed by DBT principles and skills. You many also be referred by your therapist to a DBT skills group to supplement your current therapy.
Requirements for Skills Group only option: You must make the six-month commitment to complete all 3 modules of the curriculum and you must be actively in at least 2x monthly therapy.
Tuesday Adult DBT Skills: All genders welcome Time: 4:30-6:30pm Facilitated by Cristina Mullen LICSW Shoshauna Mohlman LMHCA
Thursday Adult DBT Skills: Women identified Clients Only Time: 4:15-6:15pm Facilitated by Cristina Mullen LICSW Jess Scola LMHCA